A Checkbox is a mechanism that allows the user to select one or more options. Usually used in a Checkbox Group to present the user with a range of options from which the user <b>may select any number of options</b> to complete their task. It can also be used individually to represent the toggle of a single option, when the Toggle Switch and Toggle Button aren't more appropriate.
import { HvCheckBox } from "@hitachivantara/uikit-react-core";
No way for this to be valid!
No way for this to be valid!
No way for this to be valid!
No label
Controlled checkbox. Clicking the Checkbox 1 does nothing, while clicking Checkbox 2 changes both inputs.
External error message
A form element can be invalid but render its error message elsewhere. For instance if a business rule error relates to the combination of two or more fields, or if we want to display all the form errors together in a summary section. The aria-errormessage property should reference another element that contains error message text. It can be used when controlling the validation status or when relying on the built-in validations, but the message text computation is reponsability of the app.
Form errors:
- No way for the second checkbox to be valid!