

The HvSelect component is a form control element that allows selection from a list of options.

It aims to be aligned with the native HTML <select> and <option> APIs and be easily integrated with forms.

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If you need a search filter or multi-select checkboxes, consider using HvDropdown instead.


As an alternative to the HvOption children, HvSelect supports passing an options array of options (with value and label).

Keep in mind that the children is more flexible, as it allows using HvOptionGroup and distinct label and rendering (children) values.


To integrate HvSelect in a form, make sure you’re giving it a name. The value result will be the selected option’s value, or a JSON of the selected values when multi-select is enabled. The value can be customized via the getSerializedValue prop.


The value and open states of HvSelect can be controlled by using the value/onChange and open/onOpenChange props respectively.