The Drawer component provides a foundation to create a sliding pane. It only provides the pane with a close button, the rest of the content can be customized.
import { useState } from "react"; export default function Demo() { const [open, setOpen] = useState(false); return ( <> <HvButton onClick={() => setOpen(true)}>Open Drawer</HvButton> <HvDrawer PaperProps={{ component: "aside", className: "w-40%" }} ModalProps={{ disableScrollLock: true }} onClose={() => setOpen(false)} open={open} > <HvDialogTitle component="div">Lorem Ipsum</HvDialogTitle> <HvDialogContent> <HvTypography tabIndex={0}> {[...Array(30)] .map( () => `Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.`, ) .join("\n")} </HvTypography> </HvDialogContent> <HvDialogActions> <HvButton variant="primaryGhost">Submit</HvButton> <HvButton variant="secondaryGhost" onClick={() => setOpen(false)}> Cancel </HvButton> </HvDialogActions> </HvDrawer> </> ); }
Use the anchor
prop to specify which side of the screen the Drawer should originate from.
import { useState } from "react"; export default function Demo() { const [open, setOpen] = useState(false); const [anchor, setAnchor] = useState<HvDrawerProps["anchor"]>("right"); const handleAnchorChange = (value: HvDrawerProps["anchor"]) => { setAnchor(value); setOpen(true); }; return ( <div className="flex gap-sm"> <HvButton onClick={() => handleAnchorChange("left")}>Left</HvButton> <HvButton onClick={() => handleAnchorChange("top")}>Top</HvButton> <HvButton onClick={() => handleAnchorChange("bottom")}>Bottom</HvButton> <HvButton onClick={() => handleAnchorChange("right")}>Right</HvButton> <HvDrawer anchor={anchor} onClose={() => setOpen(false)} open={open} PaperProps={{ component: "aside", className: anchor === "bottom" || anchor === "top" ? "h-30%" : "w-30%", }} > <HvDialogTitle component="div">Lorem Ipsum</HvDialogTitle> <HvDialogContent> <HvTypography tabIndex={0}>Your drawer content</HvTypography> </HvDialogContent> </HvDrawer> </div> ); }
You can use the Drawer
component to create a responsive layout. In the example below, the drawer is used to create a sidebar that can be toggled open and closed.
You should manage the width of the content yourself based on the open
My App
My Title
My app content
import { useRef, useState } from "react"; export default function Demo() { const [open, setOpen] = useState(false); return ( <div className="w-full h-300px flex relative justify-end"> <div className="flex flex-col gap-xs" style={{ width: open ? "70%" : "100%" }} > <HvHeader position="absolute" classes={{ root: open ? "w-70%" : "w-full", }} > <div className="flex items-center gap-xs w-full"> <HvIconButton onClick={() => setOpen((p) => !p)} style={{ display: open ? "none" : "block" }} > <Menu /> </HvIconButton> <HvTypography variant="title2">My App</HvTypography> <div className="flex-grow" /> <HvAvatar alt="Admin" /> </div> </HvHeader> <div className="p-sm pt-xl"> <HvGlobalActions title="My Title" /> <HvSection title="Content"> <HvTypography>My app content</HvTypography> </HvSection> </div> </div> <HvDrawer variant="persistent" anchor="left" onClose={() => setOpen(false)} open={open} ModalProps={{ keepMounted: true, }} PaperProps={{ component: "aside", className: "w-[30%] h-full relative", style: { position: "absolute", right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, }, }} > <HvDialogTitle component="div">Menu</HvDialogTitle> <HvDialogContent> <HvTypography tabIndex={0}>Your drawer content</HvTypography> </HvDialogContent> </HvDrawer> </div> ); }