ComponentsVertical Navigation


Navigation enables users to move through an app to complete tasks.

It is recommended to use vertical navigation when your application requires global navigation that is displayed on the left. While vertical navigation menus generally consume more space than their horizontal counterparts, they have become more popular as desktop monitors move to wide-screen formats.

Although both the hierarchically organized data and the visual style resemble a treeview-like structure, the Treeview Design Pattern isn't necessarily the most appropriate.

The tree role provides complex functionality that is not needed for typical site navigation, and changes the most common keyboard navigation using TAB.

The Disclosure Design Pattern is more suited for typical site navigation, with expandable groups of links. However it can be tedious to TAB through all navigation items to reach the actions panel.

Both modes are available via the mode property and each app should choose the most appropriate.

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The sample below illustrates a common use of the HvVerticalNavigation component. The HvVerticalNavigationTree component is used to render the navigation tree. The HvVerticalNavigationActions component is used to render the actions at the bottom of the navigation.

Tree view

Usage of the Treeview Design Pattern to build a navigation tree for a set of hierarchically organized web pages. Instead of TAB, use the arrow keys to navigate through items. Enter performs its default action (i.e. open/close parent nodes, select otherwise).

Set the mode prop to treeview to enable the tree view and set collpasible to true to enable collpasing non-leaf items.


If you want the navigation to be collapsible, you can use the HvVerticalNavigationHeader component to add a collapse button to the navigation. You’ll have to manage the open state of the navigation yourself and pass it to the open prop of the HvVerticalNavigation component. The collapse button will show if you pass a handler function to the onCollapseButtonClick prop.

You can also use the useIcons prop to show icons in the navigation when collapsed, if an icon is not provided one will be generated based on the first letter of the label.


If you set the slider prop to true, the navigation will be displayed as a slider instead of a tree. When the user selects an item that contains children, the content of the navigation will be replaced with the children of the selected item.

You can use this functionality to display the navigation in regular tree view mode and switch to slider mode when the screen size is lower that a certain threshold.

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